Computer Controlled and Monitored
Programmable Wireless-Enabled Car
Get started
Technical overview
System Description
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Get Started

In order to remotely be able to controller the car there are certain issue that need to be deal with.
  • Battery

The car is equipped with two batteries, one for driving and steering the car and the other for powering up the micro controller and the rest of the sensors on top of the micro controller.

NOTE: both battery have to be fully charged to use this software.

  • Connections

Both batteries on the car are rechargeable, However, its very easy to forget plug in the battery terminals back to the original position. therefore, make sure that both batteries are properly connected to the car.

Having done and check all that, now you can power ON the servo motors by switching the ON and OFF button located beneath circuit board to "ON" position.

NOTE: make sure that the car is clear from any fragile or any situation that might cause armed or in danger some thing; including damaging the car.

Then you can power the micro controller ON using the switch sown on the picture bellow

You will now see two LED green and red light up showing that the MC is ready to be paired up with.

At this stage you may see the servo initializing by adjusting the steering servo left and right and then to the middle position.

Then the last step is to pair the car blue tooth device with the remote computer blue tooth device. This can easily be done by referring to your user manual on how to pair a blue tooth device section.

NOTE: The security code for paring the BT device is "default" when asked, this is presented by the manufacturer therefore, there is no way to change it.

Once the blue tooth is paired you will notice that the flashing green light beneath the blue tooth unit will change to steady red light. there after, you are seated and ready to control the car.

Copyright© 2009 Michael Nicola
International University in Germany (IU)